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75 Days left until the start of the jubilee year!

13 August 2024

As seen on the countdown clock on the screens of the Ziggo Dome: only 75 days left until Amsterdam’s 750th jubilee year! Since the city will celebrate its 750th birthday on October 27, 2025, the jubilee year will officially begin in exactly 75 days, on October 27, 2024.

A look back at the 700th jubilee year

With just 75 days to go until the start of the jubilee year, we look back at how Amsterdam celebrated its 700th jubilee. The celebration of this previous milestone was opened on Dam Square on January 1, 1975. In June 1975, the exhibition “Mokum 700” was held in the Europahal of the RAI in honor of Amsterdam’s 700th jubilee. The historic city center, including parts of the Jordaan, was recreated with wooden houses, bridges, lampposts, and canals.

Activities during the jubilee year

We will kick off the jubilee year on October 27, 2024, with a spectacular Opening Concert at the Ziggo Dome. The concert will be a tribute to Amsterdam, blending various musical and dance traditions into something unique. From that moment, festivities will take place throughout the year leading up to the city’s actual 750th birthday on October 27, 2025. The city is celebrating in a big way, with 300 activities for and by the people of Amsterdam, as well as major events like the Opening Concert, the “Op de Ring” celebration, and the 750th Birthday on October 27, 2025. All events will be added to the events calendar (UITagenda).

Check the events calendar