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750 Stories to celebrate the city

15 October 2024

Only 12 Days Until the Opening of the Jubilee Year! To build excitement, we are excited to present '750x Amsterdam. Forever... Stories' today. In honor of this special year, we are gathering 750 Amsterdam stories under one digital roof. These stories are told by and for Amsterdammers and everyone who holds the city dear.

The first 75 stories are now online, and new stories will be added throughout the entire jubilee year. This way, on October 27, 2025, on the 750th birthday itself, we can share the 750th story.

A rich collection of stories

The stories are shared in various ways: through text, photos, videos, podcasts, and even walks through the city. The project offers a versatile and intimate insight into life in Amsterdam, with contributions from hundreds of creators. Ruud Westerink, project leader of 750x Amsterdam, emphasizes the importance of diversity in this project: “The best thing about this project? The diversity! Hundreds of creators share their unique perspectives on the city, providing a rich and varied picture.”

A legacy for the future

In addition to celebrating the past and present of Amsterdam, the project also contributes to the future of the city. The stories will serve as a time capsule for generations to come. Westerink adds, “We’re leaving something behind for later, so that Amsterdammers 50 years from now and even 250 years from now can look back at our city in 2024 and 2025.”

Blijf op de hoogte

Iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de verhalen van de stad kan zich inschrijven voor de speciale verhalennieuwsbrief op de webpagina van 750x Amsterdam. Mis geen enkel nieuw verhaal en ontdek de stad door de ogen van haar bewoners!

750x Amsterdam