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The Telegraaf and Rodi Media new media partners for Amsterdam 750

04 October 2024

We welcome De Telegraaf and Rodi Media as new media partners for Amsterdam 750!

Sietse Bakker, program director: “I am pleased with the addition of these two new media partners. Together with De Telegraaf, we are working on podcasts for the storytelling project 750x Amsterdam and organizing the street soccer tournament in 2025. This collaboration will ensure national reach throughout the entire jubilee year. With our media partner Rodi Media, we will inform residents through the seven community newspapers in and around Amsterdam about the festive activities happening in the neighborhoods. Additionally, Rodi Media will publish monthly articles for the storytelling project. We warmly welcome both parties on board, alongside our other media partners At5 and Pathé.”

De Telegraaf

Kamran Ullah, editor-in-chief of De Telegraaf: “De Telegraaf and Amsterdam are inextricably linked. As an independent newspaper, we follow the city in which we have been rooted for many years with a critical eye. But when there is something to celebrate, we join in. In addition to our role as a media partner, we are also proud sponsors of the street soccer tournament. It’s a wonderful event that brings together the youth of Amsterdam and celebrates the power of sport in our city. We enthusiastically support this festive year and look forward to what is yet to come.”

Rodi Media

Rodi Media includes, among others, Nieuwsblad Amsterdam-Noord and Nieuwsblad Westerpost and collaborates with the Amsterdam newspapers De Brug, Wijkkrant ZUID!, and Zuidoost & Meer. Commercial director Matthijs Malipaard: “We are known in the region as a local connector. A personal approach and strong engagement with our readers, clients, and partners are deeply rooted in our DNA. The loyal following of our news publications makes us proud and demonstrates once again the enduring popularity of community newspapers and local news. Together with our news sites, newsletters, and social media, we are a proud media partner and, together with the municipality of Amsterdam and amsterdam & partners, promote this unique jubilee on a grand and local scale.”

More Partners

New partnerships for Amsterdam 750 will primarily focus on specific events and activities. We are currently seeking partners for the event ‘Op De Ring!’ and will soon introduce a number of knowledge partners from the education sector to further engage students and alumni. For more information: Become a Partner.