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Awareness and enthusiasm about Amsterdam 750 is increasing

10 April 2024

More and more Amsterdam residents (77%) know that the city will celebrate its 750th anniversary from October 2024. A large proportion of these (81%) are positive about this celebration. This is evident from survey research conducted among more than 1,000 Amsterdam residents at the end of 2023. When asked what people already know about the celebration, the party on the Ring A10 on June 21 2025 is mentioned most often.

News about the celebration reached residents in the past year mainly through the newspaper, social media, television, websites, digital newsletters and via email. In addition, they want to see the celebration through posters and billboards on the street in the future.

81% of Amsterdam residents are positive about the celebration of 750 years of Amsterdam. Amsterdam residents between 16 and 34 years old are slightly more likely to be positive about the celebration than older people. They think it is important that there are activities in neighborhoods, that there are free activities and that the celebration is for all Amsterdam residents. About half of the residents think that the celebration of Amsterdam 750 is also a celebration for all Dutch people. There is also a group that believes that it is really only a party for Amsterdam residents. This feeling is especially present in the Center district.

Atmosphere and events represent success

Amsterdam residents especially believe that a good atmosphere is important for a successful celebration. Festive events on the street, such as music events and concerts, should not be missed. There should also be activities that pay attention to the history of the city. Most people would like to celebrate the day that Amsterdam exists for exactly 750 years, October 27, 2025, on a large scale in the city center.

Many Amsterdam residents look forward to partying on the Ring

One of the highlights of the jubilee year is the party on the Ring. On June 21 2025, 15 kilometers of the Ring A10 will be made car-free for a big party. More than half (56%) of respondents are interested in going here.

Young Amsterdammers between the ages of 16 and 34 are particularly curious. Respondents indicate that they would like to see a music or theater performance on the Ring and more than half want to walk around or cycle.

More information

The Research and Statistics (O&S) survey on Amsterdam 750 years was previously conducted in 2021 and 2022. The full 2023 report can be read here.

The results of the survey will be included in the plans surrounding the celebration.