The concept of freedom is inherently intertwined with Amsterdam; the city served as a safe haven for freethinkers and dissenters as early as the 17th century. In anticipation of the city's 750th anniversary, we reflect on our understanding of freedom and its significance. From now until March 31, 2024, you can apply for the annual 'Vrijdenkersfestival' ('Freethinkers Festival'), where the ideology of Amsterdam as a free city takes center stage.
How free are we? Freedom is not a given and seems to be increasingly under pressure. The Freethinkers Festival draws attention to what we can do to better safeguard that freedom. During the festival, taking place around October 27, 2024, there will be a focus on freedom through debates and other art forms.
The Freethinkers Festival is a program component of Amsterdam 750. The aim of the festival is to engage in discussions about freedom and the values of Amsterdam with residents and guests from both domestic and international backgrounds. For the 2024 edition of the Freethinkers Festival, €50,000 is available, and again in 2025. This subsidy is available for institutions based in Amsterdam.