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H'ART Museum celebrates Amsterdam 750 with 'Happy Birthday Amsterdam'

04 December 2024

The H'ART Museum celebrates Amsterdam 750 with a festive exhibition: Happy Birthday Amsterdam. No less than 75 artists bring the capital to life in an art parade full of contrasts, history, and contemporary stories. From the iconic Magere Brug captured by a young Karel Appel to the extravagant nightlife captured by Erwin Olaf.

The city through the eyes of artists

Amsterdam as a raw port city, idyllic canals, cultural birthplace, and creative playground comes to life in Happy Birthday Amsterdam. Classical artists such as Ferdinand Bol and Breitner stand side by side in the exhibition with contemporary artists like Rineke Dijkstra, Marlene Dumas, and Gershwin Bonevacia. Each artist offers a unique perspective, making the exhibition a surprising journey through time, space, and emotions.

No chronology, just freedom

Just like the city itself, Happy Birthday Amsterdam is meant to feel free and unpredictable. The exhibition doesn’t follow a set route. You wander from modern interpretations to historical paintings, from cityscapes to personal portraits. The exhibit invites you to rediscover the city and is an ode to the freedom and creativity of Amsterdam.

The exhibition will be open from Wednesday, December 4, 2024, to Sunday, March 16, 2025, at the H’ART Museum.

Happy Birthday Amsterdam is a collaboration between the H’ART Museum, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE), the Amsterdam City Archives, the ABN AMRO Art Collection, and numerous private lenders.

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