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Pay tribute to an Amsterdam woman

13 June 2024

The 750th anniversary of Amsterdam is the perfect moment to rewrite the city's history from a female perspective. Therefore, the Amsterdam Museum is organizing the grand project 'Vrouwen van Amsterdam - een ode' (Women of Amsterdam - a tribute). Everyone is invited to pay tribute to women who have been or are still important to Amsterdam.

Women in the Past and Present

For decades, men have determined what we consider important, leading us to view history from a predominantly male and eurocentric perspective. What happens if we spend a year writing about our (grand)mothers, aunts, or women from the more distant past? What new insights will we gain about the city on the Amstel, founded in 1275 and now home to approximately 800,000 people, representing 180 nationalities, with just over half being women?

Women have always played an essential role in the history of Amsterdam, both in the past and present. It is important that their stories are shared and their names mentioned. Think of a woman who lived in, built, and cared for Amsterdam and its residents. Or a woman who came from afar and found a new home here. Who do you think should not be missing from the history books?

Send in tribute 

You can submit a tribute here. These will be collected on an online platform: Vrouwen van Amsterdam – een ode. The tributes will also become part of the museum collection of the Amsterdam Museum and perhaps even part of the book, podcast or exhibition, which will be on display from mid-December 2024 to August 2025.

Join in and pay your tribute to an extraordinary woman who has shaped Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Museum is looking for stories in various forms – whether it is a letter, video, audio recording, poem or another creation. Together, we will enrich the history of our city with the stories of powerful women.

What Should I Keep in Mind?

  • Anyone can create a tribute, regardless of how you identify/not only those who identify as women.
  • The form is up to you: written words, a video an audio message; type a letter or write it by hand, interview your aunt and make a video, or write a poem. Check out tips.
  • You can write a letter to any woman* who has made the city what it is today. Known or unknown, from the mayor to your neighbor. And from both the past and present.
  • In your tribute, the link to Amsterdam is important. Women who lived in Amsterdam, shaped the city in some way, or contributed to it. This could also include your Turkish grandmother, who never visited Amsterdam but helped shape your life in this city.
  • Are you paying tribute to someone you know personally? Please ask for permission to share her story beforehand.
  • You can praise someone, but also offer criticism. However, offensive and insulting tributes will not be posted. See the terms.

*Anyone who identifies as a woman, a gender-diverse variant or has played a role in the emancipation of women is eligible for a tribute.