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Subsidies for Art & Culture awarded for jubilee year

01 October 2023

From a total of 76 applications, an expert and independent committee selected seven projects to receive subsidies from the 'Art & Culture Amsterdam 750' scheme.

In February 2023, the municipality opened the subsidy scheme for Amsterdam cultural institutions. The aim was to enable projects that add something unique to the Jubilee Year alongside the regular cultural offerings. There was a great deal of enthusiasm and engagement from the cultural institutions in response, resulting in many high-quality applications.

Over the past few months, the committee has reviewed all applications, which the committee deemed to be “diverse in character and indicative of great ingenuity.” The proposals were assessed using pre-established criteria. The available subsidy amount of €1,750,000 allowed for 7 grants to be awarded.

Diversity in projects

The projects are varied in nature and design, accessible to different target groups, and spread throughout the city. Here is an overview:

  1. ‘De Nacht maken we samen’ (‘The Night We Make Together’) by Garage Noord B.V.
  2. ‘From cradle to circus to craft’ by Boost Productions Foundation
  3. ‘De schouders waar we op staan- ruimte voor nieuwe verbindingen’ (‘The Shoulders We Stand On – Space for New Connections’) by SHEBANG
  4. ‘Over en weer’ (‘Back and Forth’) by Female Economy Foundation
  5. ‘LANG ZULLEN WE LEVEN’ (‘Long may we live’) We celebrate the art of life, with All Amsterdammers by Het Dolhuys Foundation
  6. ‘Heel Amsterdam Danst’ (‘All of Amsterdam Dances’) by National Opera & Ballet Foundation
  7. ‘Ik ben Jo!’ (‘I Am Jo!’) by Van Gogh Museum Foundation

As the Jubilee Year kicks off on October 27, 2024, more will be revealed about these and other (cultural) activities taking place in the city