Many charities in Amsterdam could benefit from extra support. By contributing to these initiatives and charities, you not only help others, but also make the city a little bit brighter.
The demand for assistance at the Amsterdam Food Bank has risen significantly in recent years. More than 400 volunteers face the challenge of providing food packages to 1900 households each week. To make all those packages possible, help is needed. The best way to assist is by making a donation; all financial support is welcome.
Poverty, addiction, psychiatric problems or homelessness don’t make a person any less human. The Regenboog Groep believes in an Amsterdam where there is room for everyone. A city where we are involved in each other’s lives and where we strengthen each other.
Every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential, with the right environment and guidance. But for many children, this is not a given. In Amsterdam, 1 in 5 children cannot easily chase their dreams. At Stichting Studiezalen, we bridge the gap between dreams and reality. We are committed to improving opportunities and well-being for young people, students, and families. We achieve this through our comprehensive approach, including academic support, life coaching, skill development, and poverty alleviation. Because every child deserves a good night’s sleep!
Leergeld Amsterdam is a volunteer organization that ensures all children have access to school supplies. Especially during times of homeschooling, it became apparent that not all parents can afford a laptop for their children. Sometimes, there are families where three children have to share one laptop. This means that not all children can keep up with their classmates. Many schools assist these children by providing a laptop on loan, but that is not nearly enough. Join us and donate a laptop through the Leergeld Amsterdam website.
Not buying, but donating! At TKRAMREPUS, you can contribute to the fight against poverty and food waste by donating groceries. With the donated items, De Omgekeerde Supermarkt helps support the Amsterdam Food Bank in providing for their (unfortunately) growing customer base. Your help is much needed and appreciated!
You might have seen the small green carts of HeenenWeer driving around. This service offers residents of De Pijp and Rivierenbuurt a ride when they can no longer walk alone. Volunteers drive residents to places like the supermarket, doctor’s office, or the bustling atmosphere at Albert Cuyp. Would you like to volunteer as a driver or planner for HeenenWeer, or donate to this wonderful initiative? You can find all the information on the website.
Z! is the Amsterdam newspaper that helps the homeless help themselves. By selling the newspaper, homeless individuals can earn some money and build (or rebuild) a foundation with structure, social connections, and self-respect. Z! is also a volunteer organization where homeless individuals and volunteers come together and collaborate. Volunteers assist with tasks such as selling the newspapers, providing Dutch language lessons, or cutting the hair of the sellers.
Mensen Maken Amsterdam is a foundation of 7 neighborhood funds in Amsterdam. They support initiatives that make Center, East, South, West, Sout-East, New-West and North Amsterdam more beautiful, greener, safer, more colorful, or cleaner. They also support projects that connect people and enhance solidarity in the neighbourhoods. Residents and entrepreneurs come up with ideas themselves and carry them out with the support of Mensen Maken Amsterdam.
Behind Amsterdam’s doors, 30,000 children are growing up in poverty. Often, they don’t even have their own bed to sleep in, let alone the means to afford sports lessons or other hobbies. Due to financial worries, these children are unable to experience a carefree childhood. With your donation, big or small, SINA Foundation aims to bring color back into the lives of these children by providing them with a furnished bedroom. Additionally, activities like soccer, street dance, or a trip to the Tikibad will no longer be just dreams for them. Will you lend a hand?
At DOA, animals who have nowhere else to go are given a second chance at happiness. DOA, the largest and second-oldest animal shelter in the Netherlands, is located in Amsterdam. With vast knowledge, experience and love, they provide dogs and cats with all the care they need. Although they are a large shelter, they are a small independent charity that relies on donations from supporters to provide care for the shelter animals. Each year, DOA helps around 2000 dogs and cats. They carry out this work with the dedication of volunteers, for over 120 years now.
When a child falls seriously ill, it’s devastating. Stichting Steun Emma Kinderziekenhuis assists the hospital in helping seriously ill children make the most out of their lives. They advocate for innovative research and contribute to facilities for children and parents. Additionally, they support initiatives that enhance the well-being of sick children, both now and in the future. This allows children to continue developing and learn to cope with their illness, despite their condition.
In the Netherlands, an average of 2 to 3 children per class grow up in families facing financial difficulties. They cannot afford to participate in activities like soccer, street dance, judo, swimming lessons or music classes. These children often play and exercise alone. The Jeugdfonts Sport & Cultuur Amsterdam covers the fees of sports membership or sports lessons for children and young people (0 to 17 years old) from families with insufficient financial means to join a club or association.
Sant’Egidio is an organization that is dedicated to supporting vulnerable groups in Amsterdam with great commitment. Every week, they provide hot meals to homeless people, and their volunteers create a warm and supportive community. Additionally, they are involved in various other initiatives, activities for children, lonely elderly people, refugees, prisoners, and migrants. Our activities contribute to a culture of solidarity and connection in Amsterdam.