How will our city look in the future? What will we eat, how will we get around, how will we live together and how will the city be organized? During the jubilee year, we will not only look back but also forward. We will do this during the ToekomstTiendaagse (Future Fest) from June 12 to June 21 2025.
Dozens of engaged parties are collaborating on the programming for the Future Fest. These parties aim not only to organize the Future Fest together but also to involve all residents in thinking about the future. These ten days are seen as a springboard for working together towards a livable Amsterdam in the future. On this page, we will keep you updated with the latest news.
Would you like to contribute to the Future Fest as a partner? Let us know through the contact form.
On June 6 2024 over 60 parties started working on the program for the Future Fest. The afternoon not only resulted in new collaborations and inspiration but also in concrete ideas. For instance, making the future public space visible through VR and allowing young people to make adjustments. What functions should public spaces have? And how can we ensure sufficient greenery and heat resilience? Additionally, activities will explore solar energy possibilities, alternative uses for rooftops, testing new innovative products or initiatives, and a low-threshold ‘wash lane’ for improving mental well-being. These ideas will be further developed by the parties in the coming period. Some components of the Future Fest are already set, such as Open Toren Dag (Open Tower Day), The Next Web conference, Public Spaces conference, Expo Amsterdam and the Knowledge Mile trail.
We will conclude the Future Fest on Saturday, June 21 2025, with the Party on the Ring. We will celebrate Amsterdam's 750th jubilee on the 15 kilometers of car-free Ring A10, with music, sports, theater, dance, and much more. On the evening of Friday, June 20 2025, we will close the Ring West, South, and East (between the exit to the A5 and the exit to the A1) after the evening rush hour. One direction will be reserved for the event, while the other direction will remain open for emergency and service vehicles. On June 21 2025, the longest day of the year, the highway will be the place to be for celebrating visitors all day and evening. On Sunday, we will dismantle and clean up. The Ring will reopen before the Monday morning rush hour.
“As a capital city, you only turn 750 once in a lifetime. That's why we're celebrating it in a grand manner, at a fantastic location, on the longest day of the jubilee year. Everyone is warmly invited to join us in celebrating Amsterdam's 750th birthday on June 21 2025.” Femke Halsema Mayor of Amsterdam
“As a capital city, you only turn 750 once in a lifetime. That's why we're celebrating it in a grand manner, at a fantastic location, on the longest day of the jubilee year. Everyone is warmly invited to join us in celebrating Amsterdam's 750th birthday on June 21 2025.”